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This is teh world map for the Stellate Isles. The islands are formed on the remnants of craters which formed as a result of an immensely powerful wizard calling down a meteor swarm in the area. These left behind powerful magic amplifying stellate crystals that have been used to terrible effect in recent years. The colonial kingdom of Vildberg seeks to control the material and secretly ship as much back to Vildberg as possible (or keep for themselves to declare independence). The kingdom of Istus is run by a stellate mad tyrant who declared them free from Vildberg and their oppressive mining operations. Now the land is run by a series of warlords and criminals who are somewhat allied to The Tyrant. The native peoples of the lands have formed a new federation to protect themselves from the warring southern countries and try to prevent a second stellate-based cataclysm as their culture experienced half a millenia ago. 


This is the perfect world for your players to explore and have a fun quest all about the morality of WMDs, picking sides, and finding monsters waaaay bigger and scarier than normal.

The Stellate Isles World Map

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